⭐️PP cover is a kind of “recyclable” material, non-degradable but can be recycled, but it is not 🙅‍♂️ is considered to be a kind of environmental protection ♻️ material, but the price 💰 has the advantage, is generally widely used; Has good heat resistance 🔥, suitable for some high temperature food or beverage packaging. Sealing performance, can effectively “prevent liquid or powder 💦 leakage”.

⭐️PET is commonly used to make plastic bottles and containers. PET materials themselves can be “recycled and reused”, so can be considered environmentally friendly to a certain extent ♻️; Has good  transparency, can show the appearance of the product inside the bottle and 🍎 color. High temperature resistant, suitable for hot drinks and hot food packaging 🥡.
⭐️PLA is a “biodegradable 💯” material usually made from plant-based raw materials such as corn starch and sucrose. Because it is a “biodegradable” material, it can be considered to a certain extent ♻️ environmentally friendly. When PLA products are discarded, they decompose into 🥡 harmless substances without any impact on 🌎 environment. Therefore, ⭐️PLA cover can be considered as a relatively environmentally friendly material ♻️.

# Practical goodies
# Salad bowl # disposable # disposable plastic # lid # American restaurant # plastic # disposable plastic packaging supplies # disposable packaging consumables # disposable plastic products #pla #pet #pp # degradable # Environmental # leakproof cap # lightweight # sealing cap # disposable leakproof cap # injection molding # blister

Salad bowl with lid 2